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Data from "The Great Port Mismatch"

Select a port complex

Profile for the:

Port Complex

The Port Complex includes all regional port facilities, from seaports and airports to land border crossings. The total volume of port trade is based on the annual value of exports and imports passing through the port complex. The top 10 international and domestic connections refer to the regions that depend most on this port complex to ship their goods across the U.S. border.

Total volume of port trade

Local share of total volume*

Top 5 modes used to move international freight

Top 5 commodities

Top 10 international connections

Top 10 U.S. connections

Note: These profiles present data on the dollar value of freight passing through U.S. port complexes. Data on freight tonnage is available in the data download accompanying the report (see above).

Data from "Mapping freight"


Select a Commodity Group

The data presented in this interactive feature identify 449 market geographies. Domestically, there are 361 U.S. metropolitan areas and 48 state “remainders” (i.e. the non-metropolitan portion of each state). Internationally, there are 18 countries, 11 larger country groups (e.g. Eastern Europe, Northern Africa, and the Caribbean), and 11 continental “remainders” (e.g. Remainder of South America and Remainder of North America). Both state and continental remainders are identified by "(Rem.)" following their name.

Select a Commodity Group

Select a Geography