Poverty goes beyond a lack of money
Poverty affects people across multiple dimensions, and the disadvantages can stack up. If you’re Hispanic or black and have one disadvantage, you’re more likely than your white peers to have additional disadvantages.
Limited education
Lacking – at minimum – a high school diploma
Poor locale
Living in an area where more than one in five are poor
Low income
Living in a household below 150% of the federal poverty line
Living in a household where nobody is employed
No health insurance
Lacking health insurance coverage (public or private)
Risk of having multiple disadvantages by race
Number of Disadvantages |
White to black Ratio |
White to Hispanic Ratio |
1 |
2x |
2x |
2 |
2x |
3x |
3 |
3x |
4x |
4 |
4x |
5x |
5 |
5x |
5x |